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Prairie Lincoln Elementary
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4900 Amesbury Way Columbus, OH 43228
Phone Number:
(614) 801-8300 Fax: Fax: (614) 801-8313
Email Contact: info@swcs.us
Capacity: 21 to 50 Children
Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

     We will be updating the content of this site to build a strong web partnership with our parents, guardians, students and community. Check back often for our exciting changes!

Website URL: http://ple.swcs.us/home/
Childcare Philosophy:

♥ Schools exist to give students as many opportunities as possible to do their best.
♥ The quality of teaching and changing to meet a person's needs are important in how a student learns.
♥ Everyone should be treated with respect.
♥ All students have the ability to learn.
♥ Schools have a responsibility to prepare students to function in, and adapt to, a changing and diverse society.
♥ The school district must be designed to provide students with the skills needed to pursue their educational and employment goals upon graduation.
♥ School activities must be designed to provide experiences that actively engage students in real-life learning.
♥ An orderly, safe, caring, and supportive environment is necessary for effective learning to take place.
♥ A strong interaction among the family, school, and community supports student learning.
♥ Students must have continuous opportunities to show that they are able to learn without being called failures.
♥ Students need to be active in making choices in their learning and accept the results.
♥ Life-long learning for students, staff, and community is necessary and must be promoted throughout the school district.

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